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Alberto Ghirardello

Alberto Ghirardello

Alberto Ghirardello is a product designer from Vicenza that currently lives and works in Milano, where he moved to get the Master degree in industrial design at Politecnico di Milano after the Bachelor degree in industrial design at I.U.A.V. of Venice.

Here, after some years of experience in different professional design studios he founded in 2013 his own, working on the full spectrum of design, from product to graphic, from packaging to illustration, working for several companies and institutions, both in Italy and abroad.

His work is covered by several design magazines and exhibited in many events like Salone del Mobile, Euroluce, Fuorisalone, Maison & Objet, Ambiente, Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair, Roma Design Più, Abitare il Tempo, Macef, Hong Kong Design Week, and in some museums like MAXXI and Triennale Design Museum.

Designer’s vision:

“Much of my work comes from a careful observation of everyday life.

I like to analyze human behavior to identify small problems to be solved with simple and solutions, that can also be aestethically pleasing. The form - function binomial is now given for granted, we must begin to consider a third value and think in terms of form - function - emotion. Objects, by their nature, are passive instances, but some have a empathic charge that makes them look different: in what I do I like to instill a poetic or exciting element, something that generaties surprise, irony or mere sympathy that makes the product vibrating, even if for just a moment.”

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