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Yellow! My name is Fec and I am the creator of Blin'Blin. My brand was born from the fusion of Funk, Love & Tech and the search for comfort when wearing big and light accessories; to have the confidence to wear different accessories but that we can use them in any occasion, or can we only use accessories for a meeting or event?

I prefer to feel free and sexy at any time, that's why I wear Blin'Blin, day in and day out. 

Funky music with a lot of groove & gang was the great source of inspiration in both shapes and colors. We develop and manufacture our accessories using 3d printing, since the shapes along with the ideal weight can be achieved using this technology, in addition to this, we intervene our accessories by hand painting them with great finishes that we achieve over time.

Let yourself be seduced by our fusion of Funk, Love & Tech.

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