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Designer Dominique Renée Newly Joined Septem!

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Designer Dominique Renée, based in Connecticut, USA, newly joined Septem. Dominique Renée creates 3D-printedjewelry that incorporates life, love, and loss into the design. Like your favorite music playlist, she curates a playlist from exploring personal experiences, ironies, lies, and truths ― she carefully curated the message and set in each piece of her collection with her perspective. Those playful designs will surely attract your heart. Dominique Renée is inspired by everything from heartbreak to loving again, alienation and self-love.Dominique Renée seeks to empower women by creating pieces that are real and relatable.

The picture shows "MoneyMouth Earrings" released today-Put your money where your mouth is!The hidden message is an English idiom that "supports what you believein," especially by "giving money." The earrings are definitelyrock and pop with a sexy lips motif and gold teeth. It comes with the DominiqueRenée logo!

Check out the other lineup of Dominique Renée!