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Designer Igor Gimenez Vanoli Newly Joined Septem!

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Designer Igor Gimenez Vanoli, based in Mallorca, Spain, newly joined Septem. Igor Gimenez Vanoli creates 3D-printedjewelry with a beautiful organic form and full of originality. He was born and raised in Florence, Italy, surrounded by art and beauty. He spent his adolescence in Buenos Aires looking for his roots, where he found his passion for jewelers. He returned to Italy, and after he got a degree in Arts and Jewelry Making, he explored the arts of metal, painting, decoration, and computer design. Igor worked as a designer and CNC engineer programmer of fashion accessories for a luxury brand in Italy. Backed by his experience, he is now expanding his career as a professional jewelry designer who blends traditional jewelry with 3D-printing technology.

Check out the lineup of Igor Gimenez Vanoli!